Listed by Daisy Sanchez of RE/MAX IGNITE
The site showcases an impressive single-story warehouse building spanning approximately 14,556 sq. ft. It is constructed with a durable combination of brick and steel, featuring a reliable brick foundation for the original section and a solid concrete staff foundation for the newer addition. The property also offers a convenient open gravel parking lot, capable of accommodating around 30 vehicles, along with strategically placed concrete jersey barriers for added safety. Notable features of the building include two 12 x 2 overhead doors located at the drive-in level on the northwest corner, as well as a practical barn-style door. Additionally, the building boasts 13' ceilings, providing ample vertical space. Zoned as General Industrial (IG), this versatile property presents a range of potential uses, including religious structures, hotels, retail establishments, restaurants, offices, manufacturing, and warehouse. Note: Property will be sold in "as is" and "where is" condition.

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