Listed by The BKaye Team of BKaye Realty
Once in a lifetime opportunity!! This beautiful, expansive extra special home is what dreams are made of. Where to start? Outdoors you can enjoy a huge fenced in yard that features a large patio with a stone fireplace bar even a doll house with loads of privacy. The patio connects to a wall of French doors that lead into the INDOOR pool area w/hot tub. You read that right...indoor heated in ground pool surrounded by a large patio & beautiful bathroom. Walking in from the front of the house, you are greeted with a large open floor plan featuring a living room with vaulted ceilings and fireplace, dining area, extra sitting area & huge kitchen featuring a large island with two built in ranges, massive hood, wall ovens and tons of cabinets. The kitchen looks out over the indoor pool and has more French doors that open out to it. This house also has an in-law apartment, music room, finished basement and well, too much to list. Just make your appointment and come see it for yourself.

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